Purpose and Scope of Data Collection

The primary data collected on the website westlakevinhphuc.com includes: full name, email, phone number, and address. These are mandatory details that westlakevinhphuc.com requires from members when they register to book rooms, enabling westlakevinhphuc.com to contact and confirm when customers sign up for services on the website, ensuring the rights of the members.

Members are responsible for maintaining the confidentiality and security of all activities conducted using their name, phone number, and email. Additionally, members are required to promptly notify westlakevinhphuc.com of any unauthorized use, abuse, security breaches, or retention of their registration name, phone number, and email by third parties, so that appropriate measures can be taken.

Scope of Information Usage

The personal information provided by customers may be used for the following purposes:

  • Providing services to members;
  • Sending notifications regarding information exchange activities between members and westlakevinhphuc.com;
  • Delivering products and services to members after room booking;
  • Contacting and resolving issues with members in special cases. Personal information will not be used for purposes other than verifying and contacting related to transactions at westlakevinhphuc.com;
  • In case of legal requirements: westlakevinhphuc.com is obliged to cooperate and provide personal information of members upon request from judicial authorities including the Procuracy, court, or police investigating specific legal violations by customers. No one else has the right to infringe upon the personal information of members.

Duration of Information Retention

Members’ personal data will be stored until the end of the usage period of the booked product. In all other cases, members’ personal information will be kept confidential.

Entities or Organizations that May Access the Information

Members agree that, when necessary, the following entities/organizations/individuals have the right to access and collect their information, including:

  • The Management Board of westlakevinhphuc.com;
  • Competent state authorities (in case of legal requirements);
  • Complainants who can prove the violation by the member (if any).

Address of the Unit Collecting and Managing Personal Information

Westlake Infrastructure Construction and Development Joint Stock Company

1D Kim Ngoc Street, Tich Son Ward, Vinh Yen City, Vinh Phuc Province
+84 211 222 9999

No. 1, Phung Chi Kien, Cau Giay, Hanoi
+84 339939090

Commitment to Customer Personal Information Security

At westlakevinhphuc.com, protecting your personal information is of utmost importance, ensuring that the information you provide to us will be kept confidential. westlakevinhphuc.com commits not to share, sell, or rent your personal information to any other person. westlakevinhphuc.com commits to using your information only in the following cases:

  • Enhancing the quality of customer services;
  • Resolving disputes, complaints;
  • When required by legal authorities.

westlakevinhphuc.com understands that protecting your personal information is also our responsibility. Should you have any questions or feedback regarding westlakevinhphuc.com’s privacy policy, please contact us at info@westlakevinhphuc.com.

Mechanism for Receiving and Resolving Complaints Related to Customer Personal Information

Members’ personal information is committed to being absolutely confidential according to the personal information protection policy. The collection and use of each member’s information are only conducted with that customer’s consent, except where otherwise provided by law.

Personal information will not be used, transferred, provided, or disclosed to any third party without the member’s consent.

In case the server storing information is attacked by hackers leading to the loss of members’ personal data, we will be responsible for notifying the incident to the competent authorities for timely investigation and handling and informing the members.

The management board requires individuals registering/purchasing to provide complete and accurate personal information such as full name, contact address, email, phone number, etc., and is responsible for the legality of the provided information. The management board is not responsible for and will not resolve any complaints related to the rights of that member if all the personal information provided by that member at the initial registration is inaccurate.

The company is responsible for implementing technical and professional measures to verify the reported content.